

 Teacher- lǎo shī 老师

Hello- hǎo 好

Goodbye- zài jiàn 再见

Fellow students- tóng xué men 同学们

Class Opening: Sometimes referred to as “Bowing in” This is a specific ritual used to put the class in the proper mindset to learn.  It is used in schools in China, not just for martial arts.

Teacher: (prepare) yù bèi, students come to attention ( please perform the ritual courtesy) qǐng lǐ, 请礼

Student answers: (Teacher, hello)lǎo shī hǎo,老师好,  while performing fist and palm salute.

Teacher:  (Students, hello)   tóng xué men hǎo 同学们

Class Closing

Teacher: (Fellow Students, goodbye)tóng xué men zài jiàn 同学们再见

Students: (Teacher,goodbye) lǎo shī zài jiàn


What does the fist and palm salute signify?

1 The palm is "ethical" and the fist is "martial". The ethical covers the martial and is more important as demonstrated by its position.

2 The fist is the five major lakes of China and the palm is the four oceans that surround it.


Kicking, Striking,Throwing, Locking -tī 踢 , dǎ 打, shuāi 摔, ná 拿- These are the major categories of martial arts movements. With a deep level of understanding every movement contains all four, although only one is usually obvious.

Intention leads your energy to action- yì 意, qì 气  lì力- When you have clarity of understanding, focus, and correct technique, your internal energy will efficiently bring power to your movement.

China - zhōng guó - 中国 - where the martial art you are studying was developed!

Martial Art - wǔ shù 武术 The actual term for martial arts in Chinese!

Form--tào lù -套路- A set of choreographed movements

Taijiquan-Tài jí quán -太极拳 -the style of martial art you are studying

24 Form T’ai chi 二十四 式太极拳 Er shí sì shì Tài jí quán -the name of the routine you are studying

Kung fu- (skill, art, labor, effort) gōng fu 功夫  -A nickname for martial arts!

qigong, 气功 - qì gōng a system of deep breathing exercises  qì can mean air and vital energy

yin and yang - yīn yáng -阴阳

Bu fa- 步法 -bù fǎ- footwork, literally step method

Good 好 hǎo

Bad 不好 bù hǎo (literally- not good)

Listen 听 tīng

Understand 懂 dǒng

Body parts:

Shou 手 shǒu- hand

Shen 身 shēn - body

Tui 腿 tuǐ -leg

Yan 眼 yǎn- eye

Jiao 脚 jiǎo - foot

Zhou 肘 zhǒu- elbow

Xi gai 膝盖 xī gài- knee

Bei 背 bai-back

Jian bang 肩膀 jiān bǎng shoulder

Bi 臂 bì -arm

Wan 腕 wàn wrist

Fist quán- 拳

Palm 掌 zhǎng

Sara Gellhorn